Microsoft Warning Alert Mac

Summary :

  1. Alert Bootstrap
  2. Microsoft Warning Alert Message
  3. Microsoft Warning Alert Keeps Popping Up
  4. $alert
  5. Alert Function

The so-called Microsoft Warning Alert is actually fake information that inducts you to download the malware on your computer. So, you should not follow the guide on the Security Warning. MiniTool Software tells you how to handle this situation without harming your computer in this post.

Sep 16, 2018 Microsoft Warning Alert pop-ups try to convince you to call a phone number because your computer is infected with a spyware program. The message that the Microsoft Warning Alert pop-up displays are of course only meant to scam you. The engineers who supposedly solve the problem are better known as Microsoft Tech Support scammers. Remove “Apple Warning Alert” virus today. To clean your Mac, you have to remove the “Apple Warning Alert” virus immediately. Also, we suggest checking for suspicious browser extensions in Safari, Chrome, and other web browsers installed on your computer. Call Microsoft Warning Alert pop-up in your web browser is fake. Microsoft Warning Alert pop-ups try to convince you to call a phone number because your computer is infected with a spyware program. The message that the Microsoft Warning Alert pop-up displays are of course only meant to scam you.

What Is Microsoft Warning Alert on Windows?

The Microsoft Warning Alert is a pop-up warning message that misleads you to think that your computer is infected by viruses, and induce you to download the so-called antivirus software or call them for help. It always appears when you visit a malicious webpage inadvertently.

The following image is a similar Microsoft Security Warning message:

This kind of misleading information can also appear on your Android devices and iOS devices with the prompt information of Your system is heavily damaged by Four virus. Likewise, it happens when you browse the websites with your phone. In a situation like this, you can visit this post to learn how to deal with this issue: Your System Is Heavily Damaged by Four Virus - Fix It Now!

Outlook automatically suggests creating a rule based on the sender and the recipients. To view more options, select Create Rule. In the Create Rule dialog box, select one. Microsoft outlook for mac 2019 creating a rule. Nov 29, 2018  You can help protect yourself from scammers by verifying that the contact is a Microsoft Agent or Microsoft Employee and that the phone number is an official. Rules for Outlook for Mac I am trying to set up a rule that after I read an email, it will automatically be sent to a folder for storage. 2019 Views 42 Applies to.

Don’t Be Fooled by This Microsoft Warning Alert!

The Microsoft Warning Alert, which is actually a Microsoft Spyware Alert, always attempts to make you believe that your computer is under threats. What do you do if you receive this Microsoft Warning Alert?

  • If you want to close this window, you may find that your computer is remotely disabled.
  • If you call them for help, they may ask you to install more malware (that you don’t know) that can attack your computer more seriously.
  • If you install the software provided by them on your computer, they can’t remove any malware but monitor your personal and financial information.

In general, you should not do the things the Security Warning tells you to do. All you need to do is to ask for professional help.

The Best Strategies

When you receive the Microsoft Warning Alert, don’t be panic! First, you need to check whether it is a real security warning alert. Microsoft should not display the warning message in the web browser. To remove Microsoft Warning Alert, you can reset your web browser.

The Microsoft Security Warning should not influence the bookmarks of your web browser. But, you can also back them up to keep them safe.

On the other hand, if your files on the computer are lost due to Microsoft warning spam, you can use a file recovery tool to get them back. The professional MiniTool Power Data Recovery is a good choice.

Moving forward, as new major versions of macOS are made generally available, Microsoft will drop support for the oldest version and support the newest and previous two versions of macOS. Does microsoft access work with mac. With the release of macOS 10.15 Catalina,Office 365 for Mac and Office 2019 for Mac support macOS 10.15, 10.14, and 10.13.

What You Should Do if You Have Installed the Microsoft Virus Scam

However, even you are careful enough, you may still be fooled by this Microsoft spyware alert. In this situation, you need to take measures to get rid of the Microsoft virus scam.

Here is something you can do:

Contact your credit card companies and financial institutions

Since the malware can monitor your personal and financial information on your computer, you’d better contact them for help.

Remove the Installed Malware from Your Computer

Obviously, you need to remove the installed malware as soon as possible. Anti-virus software should be helpful.

Full Scan Your System

Perhaps, the malware has infected your system. Just take up your anti-virus software to fully scan your system. It may take a long time, but, you have to do it.

Ask Microsoft for Help

You can also contact Microsoft to ask for professional help. Microsoft will reply to you timely.

Bottom Line

All in all, the best way to avoid the fake Microsoft Warning Alert is to install all software using the official source, use anti-virus software, install pop-up blockers, and don’t call any strange numbers. We hope this post can help you get rid of the fake Microsoft Spyware Alert effectively.


本文介绍如何在 Xamarin. Mac 应用程序中使用警报。它介绍了如何创建和显示C#代码中的警报以及如何响应用户交互。This article covers working with alerts in a Xamarin.Mac application. It describes creating and displaying alerts from C# code and responding to user interactions.

在 Xamarin Mac C#应用程序中使用和 .net 时,可以访问在Xcode 和中工作的开发人员所使用的相同警报。When working with C# and .NET in a Xamarin.Mac application, you have access to the same Alerts that a developer working in Objective-C and Xcode does.

警报是一种特殊类型的对话框,在出现严重问题(如错误)或警告(例如,准备删除文件)时出现。An alert is a special type of dialog that appears when a serious problem occurs (such as an error) or as a warning (such as preparing to delete a file).由于警报是一个对话框,因此它还需要用户响应才能关闭。Because an alert is a dialog, it also requires a user response before it can be closed.

在本文中,我们将介绍在 Xamarin. Mac 应用程序中使用警报的基本知识。In this article, we'll cover the basics of working with Alerts in a Xamarin.Mac application.

警报简介Introduction to Alerts

警报是一种特殊类型的对话框,在出现严重问题(如错误)或警告(例如,准备删除文件)时出现。An alert is a special type of dialog that appears when a serious problem occurs (such as an error) or as a warning (such as preparing to delete a file).由于警报会干扰用户,因此在用户可以继续使用其任务之前,请避免显示警报,除非绝对必要。Because Alerts disrupt the user since they must be dismissed before the user can continue on with their task, avoid displaying an alert unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Apple 建议遵循以下准则:Apple suggest the following guidelines:

  • 请勿只使用警报来向用户显示信息。Don't use an alert merely to give users information.
  • 不要为常见的可撤消操作显示警报。Do not display an alert for common, undoable actions.即使这种情况可能会导致数据丢失。Even if that situation might cause data loss.
  • 如果需要警报,请避免使用任何其他 UI 元素或方法来显示警报。If a situation is worthy of an alert, avoid using any other UI element or method to display it.
  • 应慎用警告图标。The Caution icon should be used sparingly.
  • 清楚地说明警报的情况,并在警报消息中简洁地说明。Describe the alert situation clearly and succinctly in the alert message.
  • 默认按钮名称应对应于在警报消息中描述的操作。The Default Button name should correspond to the action you describe in your alert message.

有关详细信息,请参阅 Apple 的操作系统 X 人体学接口准则的 '警报' 部分For more information, see the Alerts section of Apple's OS X Human Interface Guidelines

警报分析Anatomy of an Alert

如上所述,当出现严重问题时,应向应用程序的用户显示警报,或警告可能导致数据丢失(例如关闭未保存的文件)。As stated above, alerts should be shown to your application's user when a serious problem occurs or as a warning to potential data loss (such as closing an unsaved file).在 Xamarin 中,将在代码中C#创建警报,例如:In Xamarin.Mac, an alert is created in C# code, for example:

上面的代码将显示一个警报,其中的应用程序图标叠加在警告图标、标题、警告消息和单个 '确定' 按钮上:The code above displays an alert with the applications icon superimposed on the warning icon, a title, a warning message and a single OK button:

Apple 提供了几个可用于自定义警报的属性:Apple provides several properties that can be used to customize an alert:

  • AlertStyle定义警报的类型,如下所示:AlertStyle defines the type of an alert as one of the following:
    • 警告-用于警告用户当前或即将发生的事件,该事件不是关键事件。Warning - Used to warn the user a current or impending event that is not critical.这是默认样式。This is the default style.
    • 信息-用于警告用户当前或即将发生的事件。Informational - Used to warn the user about a current or impending event.当前,警告信息性之间没有明显的差异Currently, there is no visible difference between a Warning and a Informational
    • 临界-用于警告用户即将发生的事件(例如删除文件)的严重后果。Critical - Used to warn the user about severe consequences of an impending event (such as deleting a file).应慎用此类警报。This type of alert should be used sparingly.
  • MessageText -这是警报的主要消息或标题,应该快速定义用户的情况。MessageText - This is the main message or title of the alert and should quickly define the situation to the user.
  • InformativeText -这是警报的正文,你应清楚地定义情况并向用户显示可行的选项。InformativeText - This is the body of the alert where you should define the situation clearly and present workable options to the user.
  • 图标-允许向用户显示自定义图标。Icon - Allows a custom icon to be displayed to the user.
  • HelpAnchor & ShowsHelp -允许将警报绑定到应用程序 HelpBook,并显示警报的帮助。HelpAnchor & ShowsHelp - Allows the alert to be tied into the application HelpBook and display help for the alert.
  • 按钮-默认情况下,警报只包含 '确定' 按钮,但 '按钮' 集合允许您根据需要添加更多选项。Buttons - By default, an alert only has the OK button but the Buttons collection allows you to add more choices as needed.
  • ShowsSuppressionButton -如果 true 显示一个复选框,用户可以使用该复选框禁止显示警报,以便以后出现触发该警报的事件。ShowsSuppressionButton - If true displays a checkbox that the user can use to suppress the alert for subsequent occurrences of the event that triggered it.
  • AccessoryView -允许将另一个子视图附加到警报以提供额外的信息,例如添加用于数据输入的文本字段AccessoryView - Allows you to attach another subview to the alert to provide extra information, such as adding a Text Field for data entry.如果设置了新的AccessoryView或修改现有的,则需要调用 Layout() 方法来调整警报的可见布局。If you set a new AccessoryView or modify an existing one, you need to call the Layout() method to adjust the visible layout of the alert.

显示警报Displaying an Alert


可以通过两种不同的方式显示警报:自由浮动或作为工作表。There are two different ways that an alert can be displayed, Free-Floating or as a Sheet.以下代码将以自由浮动方式显示警报:The following code displays an alert as free-floating:

如果运行此代码,将显示以下内容:If this code is run, the following is displayed:

下面的代码显示与工作表相同的警报:The following code displays the same alert as a Sheet:

如果运行此代码,将显示以下内容:If this code is run, the following will be displayed:

使用警报按钮Working with Alert Buttons

默认情况下,警报只显示 '确定' 按钮。By default, an Alert displays only the OK button.但是,您并不局限于这一点,您可以通过将它们追加到 '按钮' 集合来创建额外的按钮。However, you are not limited to that, you can create extra buttons by appending them to the Buttons collection.下面的代码使用 '确定'、'取消' 和 ' 可能' 按钮创建一个自由浮动的警报:The following code creates a free-floating alert with a OK, Cancel and Maybe button:

添加的第一个按钮是_默认按钮_,当用户按 Enter 键时,该按钮将被激活。The very first button added will be the Default Button that will be activated if the user presses the Enter key.返回的值将是一个整数,表示用户按下的按钮。The returned value will be an integer representing which button the user pressed.在本例中,将返回以下值:In our case the following values will be returned:

  • 正常-1000。OK - 1000.
  • 取消-1001。Cancel - 1001.
  • 可能为-1002。Maybe - 1002.

如果运行此代码,将显示以下内容:If we run the code , the following will be displayed:

下面是与工作表相同的警报的代码:Here is the code for the same alert as a Sheet:

如果运行此代码,将显示以下内容:If this code is run, the following will be displayed:


永远不要将三个以上的按钮添加到警报。You should never add more than three buttons to an alert.

显示 '取消' 按钮Showing the Suppress Button

如果 true警报的 ShowSuppressButton 属性,则该警报会显示一个复选框,用户可以使用该复选框来取消警报,以便在触发警报时的后续事件发生。If the Alert's ShowSuppressButton property is true, the alert displays a checkbox that the user can use to suppress the alert for subsequent occurrences of the event that triggered it.下面的代码使用 '取消' 按钮显示一个自由浮动的警报:The following code displays a free-floating alert with a suppress button:

如果 NSCellStateValue.On``alert.SuppressionButton.State 的值,则用户已选中 '取消选中' 复选框,否则他们未选中。If the value of the alert.SuppressionButton.State is NSCellStateValue.On, the user has checked the Suppress checkbox, else they have not.

如果代码正在运行,将显示以下内容:If the code is run, the following will be displayed:

下面是与工作表相同的警报的代码:Here is the code for the same alert as a Sheet:

如果运行此代码,将显示以下内容:If this code is run, the following will be displayed:

添加自定义子视图Adding a Custom SubView

Alert Bootstrap

警报具有 AccessoryView 属性,该属性可用于进一步自定义警报,并为用户输入添加类似于文本字段的内容。Alerts have an AccessoryView property that can be used to customize the alert further and add things like a Text Field for user input.下面的代码使用已添加的文本输入字段创建一个自由浮动的警报:The following code creates a free-floating alert with an added text input field:

此处的关键行是 var input = new NSTextField (new CGRect (0, 0, 300, 20));,这会创建一个新的文本字段来添加警报。The key lines here are var input = new NSTextField (new CGRect (0, 0, 300, 20)); which creates a new Text Field that we will be adding the alert.alert.AccessoryView = input;,它将文本字段附加到警报,并调用 Layout() 方法,这是调整警报大小以适应新的子视图所需的。alert.AccessoryView = input; which attaches the Text Field to the alert and the call to the Layout() method, which is required to resize the alert to fit in the new subview.

Microsoft Warning Alert Message

如果运行此代码,将显示以下内容:If we run the code, the following will be displayed:

下面是与工作表相同的警报:Here is the same alert as a sheet:

Microsoft Warning Alert Keeps Popping Up

如果运行此代码,将显示以下内容:If we run this code, the following will be displayed:



本文详细介绍了如何在 Xamarin. Mac 应用程序中使用警报。This article has taken a detailed look at working with Alerts in a Xamarin.Mac application.我们看到了不同的类型和使用警报,如何创建和自定义警报,以及如何在代码中C#使用警报。We saw the different types and uses of Alerts, how to create and customize Alerts and how to work with Alerts in C# code.

Alert Function

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